The Miracle Night Journey of Prophet ﷺ : The Significance of Isra’ Mi’raj

The Miracle Night Journey of Prophet

Isra’ Mi’raj is known as one of the most important events in Islamic history, and it stands as a symbol of hope, guidance, and spiritual upliftment for Muslims around the world. This miraculous night journey and ascension of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ to heaven all in one night, not only marks a significant moment in Islamic history but also captures essential lessons and reminders for the believers.

Prophet ﷺ Trials and Tribulations: Events Leading to the Night of Isra’ Mi’raj

Before we go deeper into the historical period of Isra’ Mi’raj, it is essential to understand the context in which it occurred. It was a time when Prophet Muhammad ﷺ faced immense trials and tribulations during his mission in Mecca. The early years of his prophethood were marked by persistent oppression, social isolation, and personal losses. The year preceding Isra’ Mi’raj was known as the Year of Sorrow, during which the Prophet ﷺ faced the devastating losses of his beloved wife, Khadijah RA, and his uncle, who was his protector and strong supporter, Abu Talib RA. In addition, he was also facing the cruel rejection of the people of Ta’if. These challenging times was believed to have occurred one year before the Hijrah (migration) from Makkah to Madinah, which left him vulnerable and deeply saddened.

The Night Journey and Ascension: Isra’ Mi’raj

The event of Isra’ Mi’raj serves as a divine intervention and a source of immense comfort and honor to the Prophet ﷺ . The event is commemorated based on verses from the Qur’an and Hadith narrations, detailing the Prophet’s miraculous night journey (Isra’) from the Kaaba in Mecca to the farthest mosque (Al-Aqsa in Jerusalem) on a creature named Buraq, followed by his ascension (Mi’raj) through the seven heavens to meet Allah (SWT).

During his journey through the heavens, Prophet Muhammad ﷺ encountered various prophets, including Adam, Isa, Yusuf, Musa and Ibrahim each in different heavens, which symbolizes the continuity and unity of the divine message throughout human history. The culmination of this journey was the Prophet’s direct communication with Allah (SWT), a privilege given only to the Prophet ﷺ.

The Gift of Prayer and Direction of the Qibla

One of the most significant outcomes of Isra’ Mi’raj was Allah’s instructions to perform the five daily prayers, which became the central act of worship in Islam, serving as a direct link to Allah SWT. Initially intended as fifty daily prayers by Allah SWT, the number was reduced to five after the Prophet ﷺ  advised by Prophet Musa A.S, requested to Allah (SWT) for reduction, showcasing Allah’s mercy and understanding of human capacity.

Following the Isra’ Mi’raj, another milestone was the change of the Qibla, the direction Muslims face during prayer, from Jerusalem to the Kaaba in Mecca. This shift not only solidified the Islamic identity but also reasserted the centrality of Mecca in Islam.

Lessons for the Faithful

The night journey (Al Isra’ wal Mi’raj) has many lessons and virtues for us to reflect on, especially in the lead up to the holy month of Ramadan. Isra’ Mi’raj teaches us about resilience and hope amidst adversity, demonstrating that divine wisdom and relief often come after the hardest trials. The Prophet’s ﷺ. experience reminds believers that no difficulty is too hard to carry with faith and that Allah’s help and support is always near.

The event also highlights the importance of prayer as a pillar of faith, offering a direct connection to Allah (SWT), both a privilege and a responsibility for Muslims. It emphasizes the communal and unifying aspects of worship, linking Muslims to one another and their rich spiritual heritage from the periods of past prophets to Prophet Muhammad ﷺ .

Furthermore, the change in the Qibla direction teaches Muslims about the dynamic nature of faith, the importance of unity, and the significance of Mecca not just as a geographical location but as a symbol of belief in the existence of one God and the continuity of the divine message.

Virtues of the Night of Isra’ Mi’raj (27 Rejab)

The commemoration of Isra’ Mikraj is marked by various acts of devotion and reflection within the Muslim community. On this blessed day, believers are encouraged to engage in extra prayers, recitation of the Quran, and increase the Selawat to Prophet ﷺ

Additionally, Muslims increase their acts of charity and kindness as a means of expressing gratitude for the blessings bestowed upon them and emulating the Prophet’s compassion towards others. As we reflect on the special events that occurred on this night, let us take time to reflect and draw lessons from the blessed event which may greatly help us as how Allah has promised in the Quran Surah Al Insyirah, Verse 5 to 9, “ For indeed, with hardship [will be] ease. Indeed, with hardship [will be] ease.”

Let us emulate Prophet Muhammad’s (s.a.w) exemplary character, unwavering devotion to Allah s.w.t, and the transformative power of Allah’s guidance. As we commemorate this momentous event, remind ourselves on the importance of spiritual reflection, steadfastness in faith, and compassion towards others in their journey towards closeness to Allah SWT.

Be part of this remarkable day of significance and remembrance. Join us at Masjid Haji Muhammad Salleh @ Maqam Habib Noh for the Majlis Israk & Mikraj 1445H on 7 February 2024 (27 Rejab 1445H). More details can be found on our Instagram post (Click Here)